news of 2003-12-13

Questions about Mac OS X 10.3.2 (7D23)

A few readers have been writing in lately about 10.3.2. More so now that we're expecting it to be released early next week. Let's answer some of the questions.

When is it going to be released?
Quite a few readers have asked this one. Apple has asked developers to file bug-reports 'in a timely manner' lately. This request has been removed from the seed notes in the latest build, which - among other things, like the quality of the build - leads us to believe that a release is imminent. A source within Apple has told us that 'Monday' is the day of release.

Are there any new features?
Not really. The Mac OS X 10.3.2 Update is a bug fix release. It's the one that actually should have been 10.3.1, but Apple had to rush a few bug fixes after the disastrous news that 10.3 had some major bugs. However, there are new graphics drivers for both ATi and nVidia chips.

What about the 'Macromedia bug' you've mentioned?
The bug affected all Macromedia applications. In dialogue boxes, you couldn't click any buttons. This bug was in every build of Mac OS X 10.3.2 until 7D20. It's been fixed and is also gone in 7D23.

What about 10.3.3?
No such thing yet. We'll inform you when the builds are seeded.

[ written by fryke™ on 2003-12-13 at 22:44 CET ]
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What's wrong with ZZ Top? ;-)

Catrin Pascoe, writing for, sees the iPod as too expensive, too monochrome, too low-battery. She says that looking at the greyscale screen can take you back to 1984, listening to ZZ Top. Well, she's not that extreme, really, but she thinks Apple should start surprising us again. Colour screen for the iPod, she wants. And Bluetooth (for listening, but sharing probably wouldn't be far...). And more battery. Less price. Stereo recording. FM tuner. And maybe more. She writes: "Expect the IPod to one day to merge not only with the wireless but internet-connected personal organiser, GameBoy, portable television and mobile phone."

While I think that Apple quite surely will take the iPod to the next level(s) in the coming year, I don't see some of the features Catrin Pascoe demands in her article. But which features are important right now? With Apple driving the digital music revolution, I (sadly) don't see the videoPod happening right now (but Apple's prepared for it with QuickTime, MPEG-4 etc.). Bluetooth audio just doesn't cut it. The bandwidth is just too low. (Believe me, just believe me...) An FM-Tuner is certainly not too much to ask for - and iPod has the right interface for it with the wheel. ;-) ... An integrated stereo microphone (recording to AAC directly, or to AIFF?) is a must, I think. Musicians love the iPod. Now give them more, I say... (Not to forget reporters, which can replace their MD-recorders with iPods, if it has an integrated - and good - microphone...)

[ written by fryke™ on 2003-12-13 at 14:28 CET ]
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Mac OS X 10.3.2 7D23 seeded

And this build is expected to be released as Mac OS X 10.3.2 on Monday according to our sources. (The knowledge base article should appear shortly before the update.)

[ written by fryke™ on 2003-12-13 at 13:28 CET ]
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