news of 2004-06-27
Re: Scooter, (Was: Comparing Xserve to Windows 2003 Server)
I first thought: Wow, finally someone's comparing this. However, the article really is quite non-sensical. The user tested an Xserve G5 with Panther Server against some desktop computer running Windows 2003 Server. The user, however, doesn't know much about Windows and couldn't even create a user, which is quite definitely the user's fault and not the operating system's. If you still want to read the 'article', go here, but I can't really say I would, if I were you.
Now, you might think that posting this is quite non-sensical, too - and you're probably right. But it's been a nice weekend, so I _had_ to post _something_ Mac-related in order to post this:
Girlfriend and I bought this wonderful Suzuki Burgman 400 scooter and rode it to some lakes in Switzerland. :)
[ written by fryke™ on 2004-06-27 at 11:15 CET ]
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