news of 2004-07-07
Is UN*X ready for the Desktop?
I've chosen this day to make some fun of the linux geeks. Sorry, if you happen to be one and feel a bit irky after reading this...
Ever since I first read about (and tried) the most important UN*X desktop environments of today - i.e. KDE, Gnome and Aqua - I wondered whether an industry-strength UN*X could be my operating system of choice for my notebook(s). I've tried all of them on several occasions and finally came to the conclusion that UN*X is in fact ready for the desktop. It'll have to be a Mac, though, and the operating system of choice would be Mac OS X 10.2 or higher with the Aqua UI. The Mac's UN*X gives the user a very comfortable desktop environment and a flood of applications and utilities to boot. But it doesn't end there. There are native versions of several industry-leading software packages available for Mac OS X additionally to all the great open source replacement options, for example Microsoft Office 2004 :mac (which is, to some extent, better than the Windows native version), Adobe CS or Macromedia Studio as well as Maya (soon also the unlimited version).
So whenever you hear someone say that this or that UN*X derivate is now almost really ready for the desktop: Remind them of the fact that there already is a trusted and tested version of UN*X for the desktop: Mac OS X. ;-)
[ written by fryke™ on 2004-07-07 at 13:15 CET ]
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