news of 2005-01-12

iTunes 4.7.1

Although the update doesn't bring anything new but iPod Shuffle support, it's probably still worth downloading. ;) Software Update has it at 8.6 MB size.
Update: Apparently, 4.7.1 solves a security issue, where malicious playlists could cause iTunes to crash and could execute arbitrary code.

[ written by fryke™ on 2005-01-12 at 02:22 CET ]
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Editorial: Next - the world...

Rumour sites around the world: We should all pat ourselves on the shoulders. We've asked Apple for a long time to create the Mac mini, although we'd have been pleased with an uglier box, even. ;) But Apple's got it right, and it wouldn't be Apple if the new Mac wasn't right on target but also incredibly sexy, so you'll just have to have one.

But with these years of rumours about a cheap Mac, let's not forget the reason behind those rumours. And the reason was market share. Apple just didn't have a stake in the low-end market. And a cheap Mac was, so we always said, the way to go for this to happen.

Dear fellow Mac heads: Apple's job was it to create the machine, make it beautiful and cheap enough yet powerful enough to please the crowds. They've done their part. Now it's ours. Go out and preach again. Sure, when people a few weeks ago said that Macs were still too expensive, we could point them to the iBooks, but those didn't turn enough heads. Now you can shove a Mac mini down their throat. But make sure to explain to them that their TFT display, their hp printer, their USB keyboard and USB threethousandsixty button mouse works with the Mac mini. And make sure they understand that a Mac mini is a real Mac. Let's be Macevangelists again... So that Apple can - once more - claim 10 percent market share.

[ written by fryke™ on 2005-01-12 at 01:40 CET ]
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"BBEdit Light II" - TextWrangler

BareBones Software has released TextWrangler 2.0, and it's free. There's a nice article on MacDevCenter about it, and if you were ever keen on BBEdit but didn't have the money right then and there, give this new "BBEdit Light" a chance, although BB doesn't like it when you call it that. ;)

[ written by fryke™ on 2005-01-12 at 01:21 CET ]
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