news of 2005-03-19
Johansen at it again...
Jon Lech Johansen, famous through his DeCSS code, and two fellow-programmers, have brought out PyMusiqe, a tool programmed in Python that, in Windows and Linux, acts like an iTunes client. Apparently, when you buy a song through iTunes, the song isn't actually DRM-restricted: It's your iTunes client that adds the protection (based on your computer/your account). PyMusique does everything iTunes does, but doesn't add the DRM code, so you end up with an unprotected AAC file on your computer. I'm sure we'll hear more about that soon. Plus Apple's reaction to it, of course. Johansen's homepage hasn't got the code or binaries yet. The source of this article is (in German) to be found here at
[ written by fryke™ on 2005-03-19 at 17:44 CET ]
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Tiger phases...
According to several developers who have installed the recently seeded Tiger client build 8A414, Apple seems to have started 'cleaning up' the development. One source mentioned that the localisation of the installation process is now complete in at least two languages they tested (Italian and German), so we're assuming that this has been done lately in all language packs Mac OS X comes with. While Tiger still has a few big and some minor things to get rid of, it seems that Apple can finish Tiger earlier than WWDC 2005.
The question remains whether Apple actually wants to do that. A mid-April release is still theoretically possible, although it'd mean that Apple had to finalise Tiger in the week ahead. With 8A414 only just seeded, it seems likely that Apple would want to take some feedback still. Current build's certainly not GM quality. And like I've mentioned before: I rather see Apple do a thorough final candidate phase than ship Tiger early.
[ written by fryke™ on 2005-03-19 at 17:38 CET ]
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Mac OS X 10.3.9 7W79 seeded
Apple has seeded a new build of Mac OS X 10.3.9. This time it's the combo updater (usually, Apple only seeds updaters from the latest final OS version), weighing in at just over 106 MB. The final version is expected to be released in March or the first two weeks of April.
[ written by fryke™ on 2005-03-19 at 01:13 CET ]
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